This is the paper I wrote for my senior year in high school. I was lucky
enough to be able to choose Haibane Renmei as the paper's subject. When
I first saw Haibane I had many questions, most of which were cleared up
by the fine folks at the Old Home Bulletin Board. But I gained my
answers in bits and pieces all over the forum. This paper was created in
an attempt to pull together all that I had learned into one coherent
work. When reading this paper, keep in mind that even I don't agree with
everything said here. Not wanting to discuss many interpretations that
ended up canceling each other out, I picked one and worked with it. So
if you disagree with something you read here please don't hesitate to contact me. Needless to say, this paper is full of spoilers so do not read it unless you have finished the series. That said, enjoy the paper.
Click the image to open it.

"Almost Angels by J.P. Burke"